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Monday, March 4, 2019

VB script to Interact with Application Program Interfaces (API's) - CreateObject

The CreateObject function is used to create an object of the type specified in the argument. The Set statement assigns the object reference to a variable or property


CreateObject(ServerName.TypeName, [RemoteServerName])   ‘2nd argument is optional

Here with providing the list of API you can work with

  1.  Excel Sheet
  2. Word document
    1. New Document
    2. Existing Document
    3. Convert file format from document to pdf or browser or excel
  3. Internet Explorer
  4. Run Command
    1. Open Temp folder
    2. Open Remote Desktop Connection
  5. Trigger an event on Remote Machines
  6. File system Management
    1. Windows Explorer
  7. Dictionary
  8. Regular Expressions
  9. SQL Database connection
  10. Outlook Mails
  11. Network
  12. Unified Functional Testing (UFT) / QTP Tool
  13. Application LifeCycle Management (ALM)


1. Working with Excel

Dim tmpExcelApp, tmpWorkbook, tmpSheet
Set tmpExcelApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
tmpExcelApp.Visible = true
Set tmpWorkbook = tmpExcelApp.WorkBooks.Add
Set tmpSheet = tmpExcelApp.Sheets(1)

tmpSheet.Cells(1, 1) = tmpWorkbook.Sheets.Count
tmpSheet.Cells(1, 2) = 34
tmpSheet.Cells(2, 1) = Now()

tmpSheet.SaveAs "C:\VasuChiluveru.xls"

2. Working with Word Document

1. Open any existing document

Set tmpWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
tmpWord.Visible = True

2. Writing some text in and saving the new document

Dim tmpWord
Set tmpWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
tmpWord.Selection.TypeText "Hello Friend!!! This document is Audo generated by QTP. "
tmpWord.Selection.TypeText "To know more about Automation view the Blog"
tmpWord.ActiveDocument.SaveAs "D:\VasuChiluveru.doc"
Set tmpWord = Nothing

3. Appending a new text in the existing document

Dim tmpWord
Set tmpWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
tmpWord.Documents.Open "D:\VasuChiluveru.doc"
tmpWord.Selection.TypeText "This new text is append by opening the existing document"
Set tmpWord = Nothing

4. Covert any existing document to PDF or HTML (browser) or Excel. NOTE: change the tmpFormat according to your desire

Dim fso, tmpFile, tmpFilePath, myFile, tmpFormat
Set fso = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set tmpFile = fso.GetFile("D:\VasuChiluveru.doc")

tmpFilePath = tmpFile.Path
tmpFormat = "XLS"
Dim tmpWord
Set tmpWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
tmpWord.Documents.Open tmpFilePath

If ucase(tmpFormat) = "PDF" Then
myFile = fso.BuildPath (tmpfile.ParentFolder ,fso.GetBaseName(tmpfile) & ".pdf")
tmpWord.Activedocument.Saveas myfile, 17
elseIf ucase(tmpFormat) = "HTML" Then
myFile = fso.BuildPath (tmpfile.ParentFolder ,fso.GetBaseName(tmpfile) & ".html")
tmpWord.Activedocument.Saveas myfile, 8
elseIf ucase(tmpFormat) = "XLS" Then
myFile = fso.BuildPath (tmpfile.ParentFolder ,fso.GetBaseName(tmpfile) & ".xls")
tmpWord.Activedocument.Saveas myfile, 9
End If


Set tmpWord = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
Set tmpFile = Nothing

3. Working with Internet Explorer

Dim tmpIE
Set tmpIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
tmpIE.Visible = true
tmpIE.Navigate ""

4. Working with Run command

1. Open a temporary folder

Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")"%temp%")

2. Open a Remote Desktop Connection

Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")"mstsc")

3. Open a DOS command Prompt/Window

Set objShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")"mstsc")

5. Create a WshController object to run scripts on a remote machine

strServer = "machine_name"
strScript = "script_name.vbs"

Set objWshController =CreateObject("WshController")
Set objRemoteScript = objWshController.CreateScript(strScript, strServer)

6. Working with File system Management

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

if fso.FolderExists("D:\Vasu Chiluveru") then
  Msgbox "Found the folder name"
end if

set files = fso.GetFolder("D:\").Files
Msgbox "Total folder names count "&files.count

7. Working on Dictionary

Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")

d.Add "a", "Apple"   
d.Add "b", "BlueTooth"
d.Add "c", "C++"
msgbox "Total Count"&d.Count
If d.Exists("c") Then
     msgbox  "Specified key exists. The Item Name is = "&d.Item("c")
     msgbox  "Specified key doesn't exist."
End If

8. Working on Regular Expressions

' The character 'i' is replaced for the first found 'i' by '$' 

txt="This is a beautiful blossam day"

Set objReg=CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")

msgbox objReg.Replace(txt,"$")

9. Working on Oracle/SQL database

Set connDB = createobject(“ADODB.Connection”) 
Set recrdSet = createobject(“ADODB.RecordSet”) 

Dim dbquery        
Dbquery=”Select * from TableName”  
connDB.Open“Provider=SQLQLEDB;Server=.\SQLEXPRESS;UserId=userid;Password=password;Database =DatabaseName”        
recrdSet.Open dbquery,obj     

val1 = recrdSet.fields.item(0)
val2 = recrdSet.fields.item(1)
val3 = recrdSet.fields.item(2)

msgbox “Value 1 = “&val1&“Value 2 = “  & val2 & “Value 3 = “& val3

Set connDB =Nothing              
Set recrdSet =Nothing

10. Working with Outlook Mails

Set tmpOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set tmpNameSpace = tmpOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set myMail = tmpOutlook.CreateItem(0)

myMail.To = "Mention recipient mail id"
myMail.Subject = "Welcome .... Blog created by Vasu Chiluveru"
myMail.Body= "To know more on Automation Visit the URL"


Set myMail = Nothing
Set tmpOutlook = Nothing
Set tmpNameSpace = Nothing 

11. Working with Network Systems

'Retrieve My Computer name or system name
Set tmpNetwork = CreateObject("Wscript.Network")
tmpComputerName = tmpNetwork.ComputerName
msgbox tmpComputerName

12. Unified Functional Testing (UFT) / QTP Tool

'Open QTP and open and Run the Test script & then close the Tool

Dim tmpObj, tmpTest

'Check if the QTP tool is not already Launched
If Not 
tmpObj.Launched then    tmpObj.Launch
end if
tmpObj.Visible=TruetmpObj.Open "Provide the path of the QTP script"
'Run the Test
'Close the Test
'Quit the QTP Application

13. Application LifeCycle Management (ALM)

'Get the folders from the given folder (TEST PLAN)

Set tdc = CreateObject("TDApiOle80.TDConnection")
tdc.InitConnectionEx "https://qcURL:8080/qcbin"
tdc.Login "userID", "PWD"
tdc.Connect "DOMAIN", "ProjectName"

Set sfolder = tdc.TreeManager.TreeRoot("Subject")
msgbox sfolder.Count

For i = 1 To sfolder.Count
   msgbox sfolder.Child(i).name

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