
Hoverable Dropdown

VB Script for UFT


VB Script is a language for the Unified Function Testing tool UFT formerly called as Quick Test Professional (QTP) , to develop the automation tests.

Below are the Keywords available to write a statement in UFT. These Keywords helps you to make use in designing the code/script as per the requirements. The more Keywords you are familiar then it will become easy for you to design the code quickly and efficiently in turn you can get to know the depth of the knowledge very easily. Once you are familiar with VB script, it helps in creating macros using excel sheets; to know more information refer macros using excel sheets section/tab/link.

For your easy-of-use, we can segregate the VB Script Keywords into following sections.

Array handlingArray, DimPrivatePublicReDimIsArray  Erase  LBoundUBound
CommentsRem or ' (Aphostophy)
Constants/LiteralsEmpty, Nothing,  Null,  TrueFalse
Control flowDo...Loop, For...Next,  For Each...Next,  If...Then...Else,  Select Case,  While...Wend,  With
ConversionsAbs, Asc, AscB, AscW  Chr, ChrB, ChrW,  CBoolCByteCCurCDateCDblCIntCLngCSngCStrDateSerialDateValueHexOctFixIntSgn,  TimeSerialTimeValue
Dates/TimesDateTimeDateAddDateDiffDatePartDateSerialDateValueDayMonthMonthNameWeekdayWeekdayNameYearHourMinuteSecondNow,  TimeSerialTimeValue
DeclarationsClass, Const,  DimPrivatePublicReDimFunctionSubProperty GetProperty LetProperty Set
Error HandlingOn Error, Err
ExpressionsEval, Execute,  RegExp,  Replace,  Test
Formatting StringsFormatCurrency, FormatDateTime,  FormatNumber,  FormatPercent
Input/OutputInputBox, LoadPicture,  MsgBox
LiteralsEmpty, False,  Nothing,  Null,  True
MiscellaneousEval Function, Execute Statement,  RGB Function
ObjectsCreateObject, Err Object,  GetObject,  RegExp
OperatorsAddition (+)Subtraction (-)Exponentiation (^)  Modulus arithmetic (Mod)  Multiplication (*)Division (/)Integer Division (\)  Negation (-)  String concatenation (&)  Equality (=)Inequality (<>)Less Than (<)Less Than or Equal To (<=)Greater Than (>)  Greater Than or Equal To (>=)  Is  AndOrXorEqvImp
OptionsOption Explicit
ProceduresCall FunctionSubProperty GetProperty LetProperty Set
RoundingAbs, IntFixRoundSgn
Script Engine IDScriptEngine, ScriptEngineBuildVersion,  ScriptEngineMajorVersion,  ScriptEngineMinorVersion
StringsAscAscBAscWChrChrBChrWFilterInStrInStrBInStrRev  Join  LenLenBLCaseUCaseLeftLeftBMidMidBRightRightBReplace,  Space,  Split,  StrComp,  String,  StrReverse,  LTrimRTrimTrim
IsArray, IsDate,  IsEmpty,  IsNull,  IsNumeric,  IsObject,  TypeName,  VarType, Variants

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