
Hoverable Dropdown

Thursday, January 24, 2019



Author is very much happy to share that the long awaiting Blog is finally launched on 24th January 2019Taken care in providing required information on test automation as per his abilities and experiences through this Blog.

There are so many Blog’s available why again one more. The reason is too much information may create confusion or minimizes the interest in learning or shifting to automation; hence author tried by providing less details with quality content by keeping real projects in mind.

Hope you will be very much positive and impressive on the topics discussed here. Author ensure your automation dream will become true and helps you to up skill yourself.

The core format of the content could be according to the objects that are present on the GUI applications as shown below. If you are familiar on one type of application/technology then the same operations can be performed on related objects though they are of different technologies or environment.

Hierarchy of objects alignment on the GUI ( referring to Web Technology) are as follows: 

  1. Basic operations on Objects
  2. Intermediate operations on Objects
  3. Advanced operations on Objects

Please advise to improvise the Blog. 

Do comment, like and share to your near & near.

Thanks a lot for your interest in connecting Author through Blog

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